Green Lentils

Green Lentil

The lentil is among the most popular leguminous seeds, not only in Iran but in many parts of the world.Therefore, many countries cultivate this produce every year and ship it to the world market in massive quantities. You might be interested to know that Canada currently produces sixty percent of the world’s finest lentils.

Nutritional Value of Lentils

Green lentils are an excellent food supplement, with a package of micronutrients, such as iron, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals.This type of legume is used as a healthy food that is rich in protein for weight loss diets. That is why bodybuilders eat a bowl of lentils as a snack to increase muscle volume and reduce body fat. This energizing and high-fiber food is a nutritious source for athletes and growing children. Proteins in lentils help strengthen the memory and brain function of children and teenagers.Lentils are rich in folic acid and high in iron. Therefore, it is one of the most important foods, recommended for consumption during pregnancy as an alternative to chemical drugs.. Lentils are one of the few legumes that compete with meat protein in terms of nutritional value due to their high protein content. Lentils have blood pressure regulating effects and are thus suitable for people with high blood pressure. Moreover, being a high potassium source, consuming lentils prevent brain strokes caused by blood pressure alterations. Magnesium is another vital substance found in this produce, which has positive effects on the nervous system and improves brain function.

The Quality of the Canadian Green Lentil

These days, Canadian green lentils are the first option for bulk purchasing in the market. In other words, suppliers from different guilds prefer to look for the best lentils in the market for different uses, such as restaurants, catering services, etc. It is a produce that is offered in small and large varieties and is excellent and affordable for preparing a host of tasty dishes, such as soup, lentil rice, salad, and diet foods with legumes. Since Canada is suitable for the cultivation of lentils due to its fertile soil, rainfall, and climate, it offers the best kind of lentils to the market in terms of quality and taste.